Donate Non-Perishable Goods for “Camp Out for Hunger”
We at Blackwood Animal Hospital are joining WMMR in their “Camp out for Hunger”
which is now Philabundance’s largest food drive.
Please come in anytime we are open to drop off non-perishable food items. There is a basket located in the lobby waiting to be overfilled with your donations! When everyone in the community comes together beautiful things happen. Help make this a happy time of year for people who are less fortunate than all of us. We want to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for their donations and support.
To sweeten the deal…
If you bring in 15 items you will get a FREE nail trim.
If you bring in 25 items you get a raffle ticket to win a fire pit.
If you bring in 35 items you get both a free nail trim AND a ticket for the fire pit.
See the WMMR “Camp Out for Hunger” poster below and the list of the “Top 10 Most Needed Items”. Share with your friends and let them know that they can drop off donations to Blackwood Animal Hospital during regular business hours!